Get Speaking Gigs Now

The word “speaking” can cause a bit of discomfort. I realized as I began writing this blog that I’ve had at least one speaking opportunity each of the past few months, and I never thought of it as “speaking,” but rather as leading a workshop. I’m not the sort of speaker who gets up and talks for an hour; I always plan a more interactive session. But I did put on a jacket, and I did present content, so I guess I was a “speaker,” after all.

Do you need to promote your book by speaking more often? 

This can be a great strategy for the right sort of author. The word “speaking” can cause a bit of discomfort. I realized as I began writing this blog that I’ve had at least one speaking opportunity each of the past few months, and I never thought of it as “speaking,” but rather as leading a workshop. I’m not the sort of speaker who gets up and talks for an hour; I always plan a more interactive session. But I did put on a jacket, and I did present content, so I guess I was a “speaker,” after all. If you’re comfortable on stage – or willing to improve – speaking in front of groups of people can be a great way to build your email list, sell books, or sell your coaching and consulting services.

It’s only one strategy of many, so if it isn’t for you, don’t feel that this means you’re not going to “make it.”

These days, “speaking” doesn’t have to include travel. More and more speaking opportunities are online and you can talk to groups from the comfort of your own home or office. It also doesn’t have to mean asking for huge speaking fees. Sure, it’s great to get paid, but often the payoff is not in terms of dollars but in terms of new connections made. 

“When you speak, it’s like networking, but you’re the star networker in the room,” says Leisa Reid of the International Speaker Network. 

And if you do decide that you want to travel to speak, don’t forget that you’re in charge of your own schedule. You can set your pace. One talk per month on the road, or two. Or twenty. It doesn’t matter. 

The reason we see so many people with the “Author/Speaker/Coach” model is because they often communicate the same message, but do it in different formats: written, group, and one-to-one. 

One of the best ways to find speaking gigs is to network with other speakers, which is why at Victory Vision we’re pleased to invite you to join the International Speaker Network. “We usually have 40 to 50 people in the room for our monthly call,” said Reid.

Because you’re free to talk to those other people, and because we feel the price point is reasonable even for our clients on a limited budget, we feel that this network is worth bringing to your attention. 

Are you a “heart-centered” author who wants to reach more people through public speaking?

Join The International Speaker Network today! 

Here's How to Join

Get the Book: Get Speaking Gigs Now

Interested in talking? Contact for a conversation and there’s a good chance he’ll send you a book after you’ve chatted!

Book a complimentary consult with him here:

Adam G. Fleming, PCC, has been working in leadership/executive coaching since 2007. He published his first novel in 2012 and his first book on coaching (The Art of Motivational Listening, Entrust Source Publishing) in 2015. He now has 16 titles available on Amazon. He is the CEO and lead ghostwriter for Victory Vision Publishing, Inc. 

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