How do I Find a Good Writer’s Community?

Writing can be a lonely commitment, so if you’re an extravert, it’s easy to put it off whenever you feel that spending time with people is a better use of your time. However, for people interested in the legacy approach to life that Peter Jansen and I talked about in our book, The Legacy Way, then you must recognize that apart from all that time spent with people, at least the next best thing you can do is share your story in written form.

by Adam G. Fleming

How do I Find a Good Writer’s Community?

Writing can be a lonely commitment, so if you’re an extravert, it’s easy to put it off whenever you feel that spending time with people is a better use of your time. However, for people interested in the legacy approach to life that Peter Jansen and I talked about in our book, The Legacy Way, then you must recognize that apart from all that time spent with people, at least the next best thing you can do is share your story in written form. A Legacy Mindset means that you’re thinking about how the work you do will leave something behind for posterity. It means considering how your short term decisions affect this long term impact.

Get into a once-a-month community group for authors.

We all need support, encouragement and accountability. A writer’s group is a place where the facilitators are positive, knowledgeable, and ready to help you connect with tools and resources you need to finish the journey. It is just the thing many writers need to get their manuscript across the finish line. A group of authors on the same journey can help you troubleshoot when you’re not sure what to do next too.

It’s a myth that books are created by an author doing their thing with zero help from anyone.

Great books are out there which are written by one person, to be sure. But take a look at the acknowledgements page of the last five books you read: the author will acknowledge editors, researchers, people who gave them a tour of a special location or insider information about how a certain industry works, their clients who allowed them to share a story, the beta readers, the cover artists, and so on. 

You may work alone for quite some time, but eventually you will need help if you want a quality product.

I’ve written 19 books now—a 20th is about to launch—and I also have a work in progress that my editor is working on, bit by bit. No matter how many books I do, I’ve always needed a team. As a case in point, I’m an author, not a graphic designer! So I will always need others’ skills to create the books I want.

What’s so great about the VVP Monthly Writer’s meeting? 

Facilitated by people with extensive training and experience in leadership and life coaching, we’re not just going to tell you how you ought to do things– we’re going to ask questions that help you figure out what might work best for you. Then, we’ll encourage you to test and experiment. We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to how to get your book written.

While other groups may focus on literary techniques or how to sell your book, we realize none of that matters if you don’t make the time to sit down and get the words on the page. If that’s what you’re looking for: a group of people who are consistently and joyfully getting words on the page— then we’re the group for you.

Sign up for the Writer’s Community!

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Adam G. Fleming, CEO of Victory Vision Publishing, Inc., is a bestselling author with 15 years under his belt as a Leadership Coach. He holds a Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation. His books are available on our “books” page and at

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