How do I Start Writing my Book?

“I have a great idea, but how do I start writing my book?” Some people say to "just start writing," while others tell you you must have an outline or you’ll have a mess. . . . We’ve designed something a little different for people who have never written a book before. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we recognize that everyone will have a slightly different way of getting it done, but there are principles that apply to everyone.

How do I Start Writing my Book?

“I have an idea for a book but I’m not sure where to begin.”

“I have a great idea, but how do I start writing my book?” Some people say to "just start writing," while others tell you you must have an outline or you’ll have a mess. There are plenty of programs that will show you what to do. We’ve designed something a little different for people who have never written a book before. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we recognize that everyone will have a slightly different way of getting it done, but there are principles that apply to everyone.  

This month we are launching a four-session Start Your Book course, designed to help you do just that!

Our program is designed primarily for non-fiction writers: coaches and speakers who want to also be authors; people with expertise to share or a powerful memoir; or both. However, we have experience writing, editing, and publishing both fiction and nonfiction, and the principles are applicable to everyone. Anyone who believes they’re ready to start writing a book is welcome to join us. 

The goal of this four-session coaching journey is to have a completed outline. However, we will take an indirect approach!

We’re going to answer a few questions before asking you to make an outline. We’ll talk about a writer’s mindset, the context and purpose of your book, have you think about what will make your book unique and authentic, and finally, we’ll get into outlining the manuscript. 

You can start right now and begin to ask yourself these questions. Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer them all before your first group meeting! These are just to prime the pump and we’ll give you some teaching and lots more great questions in the four live sessions. 

  1. Becoming a writer: 

Safe mind/safe space/safe time. What is the mindset you need? What is your commitment? What will you need to give up to meet your goals? 

  1. Audience, Context, and Purpose: 

Who is your audience? What do you want your audience to get from the book and to do after reading it? What is your core message and your core motivation for speaking to them?

  1. Developing a Memorable Voice:

Unique, Authentic and Vulnerable storytelling: What makes your message unique? What aspect of your own story will require courage to tell? What boundaries do you need to honor?

  1. Outline Your Book: 

In the 4th session we’ll select an outline template and habit tracker (hours, words, pages per day or week, etc.)

Join other authors and coach Adam G. Fleming for ongoing accountability and lots of great input to learn about writing, publishing and marketing your work. 

Sign up for the course here!

Interested in talking? Contact for a conversation and there’s a good chance he’ll send you a book after you’ve chatted!

Book a complimentary consult with him here:

Adam G. Fleming, CEO of Victory Vision Publishing, Inc., is a bestselling author with 15 years under his belt as a Leadership Coach. He holds a Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation. His books are available on our “books” page and at

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