Start Writing Your Book (and stop being a wannabe writer)!

Writing a book: I know it’s hard sometimes. I know it flows sometimes. I know the amazing feeling that you’ll get when copies of your first book arrive. You open that box up, pull out a book, and see your name on the cover, and all you can say is “Wow.” Keep that vision in mind! 

Writing a book: I know it’s hard sometimes. I know it flows sometimes. I know the amazing feeling that you’ll get when copies of your first book arrive. You open that box up, pull out a book, and see your name on the cover, and all you can say is “Wow.”  Keep that vision in mind! 

I’ve personally completed and published 19 books. I began my first one around 2008 (it began as a stage play) and published it in 2012. Yes, I completed 18 more in the next 12 years, but I do have one book that I have been working on for almost 10 years that still isn’t done. Good things take time. I’ll come back to that thought.

The Urban Legend

An often-repeated urban legend says that only 3% of people who begin writing a book will ever finish it. Google it and you’ll find this stat repeated on dozens of other writing blogs. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to confirm where the study came from, or how they knew how many people began writing a book (because some people never tell a soul). But glance at a few Reddit boards and you’ll soon see that anecdotally, most people believe it to be more or less representative of their personal experience and the experiences of their writer (or should we say, “wannabe” writer) friends. Statistics aside, if you’ve thought about writing a book but haven’t gotten started, or you’ve started and got sidetracked, that doesn’t mean you can’t make it into that 3% of writers who are proud authors of a completed manuscript. You can!  We’re here to help! 

Welcome to the “Start Writing Your Book in One Month” coaching program! 

Who is it for?

Our program is designed for non-fiction writers: coaches and speakers who want to also be authors, with expertise to share or a powerful memoir, or both. However, we have experience with both fiction and nonfiction, and anyone is welcome to join. 

There will be four meetings and of course some work to do in between, so that by the end of the month you will have an outline and will be ready to begin writing (or begin writing again!). Why a month? Why not a five day challenge? Because, as mentioned above, we know that good things take time. The things we will discuss (listed below) will require some thought—perhaps some journaling or long walks, or some discussions with those who are close to you. 

The goal of this four-week journey is to have a completed outline.

We’re going to answer a few questions before that happens. We’ll talk about

  • a writer’s mindset 
  • the context and purpose of your book 
  • what will make your book unique and authentic 
  • and finally, we’ll discuss the outline and help you start a habit

Everyone who joins this group will automatically gain entrance into our monthly writer’s group for community with other authors, ongoing accountability to keep writing, and lots of great information about writing, publishing and marketing your work. 

Cost: $99 for month 1 “Start Writing Your Book” Program, and the community subscription of $20 per month thereafter. Cancel any time after the first month. You’ll get a welcome note from us with more details (day of the week and time, Zoom location) after you join! 

ARE YOU IN? JOIN US NEXT MONTH by signing up here.

Are you an author who would like to join our community, but feel that you don’t need the “Start Writing Your Book” program? 

JOIN OUR WRITER’S COMMUNITY by signing up here.

Interested in talking? Contact for a conversation and there’s a good chance he’ll send you a book after you’ve chatted!

Book a complimentary consult with him here:

Adam G. Fleming, CEO of Victory Vision Publishing, Inc., is a bestselling author with 15 years under his belt as a Leadership Coach. He holds a Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation. His books are available on our “books” page and at

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